- San Diego County hotel demand rose significantly last week, exceeding the demand recorded during the same week of years past by 30,000-40,000 room nights. Last week’s demand totaled 352,914 room nights sold, compared to 312K RNs in 2019 and 322K RNs in 2023.
- San Diego’s average occupancy rose to 77.9%, inching the county higher in national rankings to 5th last week, and 2nd in the western competitive set behind San Francisco at 79.3%. The top three markets for the week were New York (90.3%), Boston (79.5%) and San Francisco.
- Within the City of San Diego, Downtown hotels had the highest average occupancy at 82.3%, followed closely by Pt. Loma/Airport hotels at 81.9% and Mission Valley at 81.7%.
- Risk & Insurance Management Society was in the convention center for the week contributing about 23,000 RNs to total demand. Overall, Group demand among upscale+ hotels came to 58,980 RNs sold with an average occupancy of 32.3% and rates at $291. This was a slightly better performance compared to last year, when about 52K RNs were sold at $284.
- Total market ADR gained $7 w/w to hit $210. San Francisco, which hosted the RSA Cybersecurity Conference last week, jumped far ahead of the competition at $313 while Los Angeles also saw a lift to reach $219 as IPW was welcomed in.
View the complete hotel performance report here.
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