A primary goal of ConVis is to generate favorable editorial coverage in national and international media outlets, to publicize San Diego as a premier leisure and meeting and convention destination. Recent clips include:
- The New York Times, circ. 1.3 million. San Diego is highlighted in a “14 Easy Weekend Getaway” travel feature. The story was also picked in numerous daily newspapers nationwide including the Denver Post, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and more. PR assisted reporter. Mar. 13, 2011 edition.
- Metro New York, circ. 31,408. Coronado is highlighted in a travel feature titled, “The Crown Jewel of San Diego.” Writer was hosted during the Coronado for the Holidays Media Tour. Mar. 22, 2011 edition.
- Palm Springs Desert Sun, circ. 34,419. Julian is highlighted in two travel features, “Mine a Great Time in Julian” and “In Julian, the ghosts gobble up goodies.” PR hosted travel editor during An Another Side of San Diego Media Tour. Mar. 3 and 6, 2011 editions.
- KING 5 Evening Magazine, NBC TV Seattle affiliate. San Diego was featured in a 30-minute Friday evening travel program with 5-minute segments airing Monday-Thursday prior to the show. PR hosted reporter and cameraman. Feb. 14-18, 2011 broadcasts.
Please note: Due to delays in receiving articles from the clipping service, public relations may not receive articles until a month or so after they are published.
―Joe Timko
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