- San Diego hotel demand picked up this week, with more than 30,000 room nights sold compared with last week, and more than half of that increase coming from a rise in group and transient demand among upscale properties. The county sold a total of 285,955 room nights this week.
- County occupancy rose to 64.3%, up from 57.1% last week. San Diego ranked eighth among top 25 markets (up from 12th the week prior) and fourth in the western competitive set (unchanged from last week), below Orange County (71.2%), Phoenix (71.1%), and Los Angeles (68.8%). The top three markets were New York, Miami, and Oahu island.
- Daily rates averaged $151, roughly the same as last week ($150) but $15 more than the same week in 2019. San Diego ADR ranked eighth among top markets (unchanged from last week) and fourth in the competitive set (also unchanged), below San Francisco ($179), Los Angeles ($177) and Orange County ($177).
- RevPAR picked up this week to $97, up from $85 last week, and ranked San Diego eighth among top markets, up from ninth the week prior.
- Among upscale properties, group occupancy continues to rise week over week, up to 21.8% from 15.8% the week prior. Transient occupancy also rose, from 32.7% to 36.9% this week. Group and transient ADRs remain constant, at $213 and $216, respectively. While transient travel among upscale properties is within striking distance of 2019 levels, group travel still rests nearly 40% lower than it did for this week in 2019.
- This week’s top regions in occupancy were UTC at 74.0%, South/East County at 71.9% and Northeast/Escondido at 66.8%.
- La Jolla Coastal properties are far ahead of all other regions in ADR, averaging $240 this week. Mission Bay rates averaged $181, followed closely by Downtown at $180.
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