Name: Ross Rizzo Jr
Company Name: Bernardo Winery
Founded: 1889
How have you changed your business in response to COVID-19?
We’ve modified our service protocols to abide by the new authority guidelines that include moving wining and dining outside within our spacious courtyard and patios. We’ve upgraded our guest experience on our website by offering online ordering and QR codes for digital touchless menus. Drinking more wine helps, too.
What keeps you hopeful?
Our family and staff have been resilient in their dedication to the winery and serving people good wine and food in a wonderful outdoor artist village atmosphere. Everyone still needs to eat and drink, so why not offer an opportunity to people that they might not get on their apartment patio.
What is your advice to other companies?
Keep flexible but remain true to your mission and heritage.
What is the one thing you are looking forward to doing when things return to normal-ish?
Parties! Large parties were really great here at Bernardo Winery. We enjoyed the many smiling faces of people enjoying themselves eating and drinking and relaxing.
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