The California-Mexico Trade Initiative took place from March 30-April 3 and SDTA president Joe Terzi was among the group of local leaders involved in promoting a common goal to boost communication and trade between our neighboring economies.
The trip included round-table discussions with Mexican government agencies including meeting with Secretariat of Foreign Relations and ProMexico, Aurelio Nuño Mayer, chief of staff for the Office of the Presidency, Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, and Secretary of Energy. Tours included leading institutions including:
- Mexican Stock Exchange
- Senate of Mexico
- US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce
- Council of Business Coordination
- Mexican Employers Confederation (COMPARMEX)
- Mexican Business Owner Confederation
- National Chamber of Industry
- Mexican Industrial Chamber Confederation.
Public companies included Bombardier Aerospace Manufacturing Plant, Aeronautical University in Querétaro, National Autonomous University of Mexico, and Casa California — the possible future site of the new California-Mexico Trade Office.
The ninth installment of this international trade initiative was sponosred by the San Diego Chamber of Commerce and attendees included stakeholders from the San Diego Mayor’s office, Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Port of San Diego, US Consul General, City of San Diego, San Diego City Council President Todd Gloria, Lt. Governor’s office, Councilman Scott Sherman, SANDAG, Kaiser Permanente, Equinix, SD Regional Airport Authority, Sempra International, and many more local companies.

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