- Following a lackluster performance the past few weeks, room night demand rebounded by an impressive gain of 50,000 RNs compared with the prior week. County hotels sold a total of 377,753 RNs, edging out the demand seen in the same week in 2019 and 2022 by a few thousand.
- San Diego County occupancy averaged 83.8% for the week, catapulting the region back to the top 5 among the top 25 markets, coming in at 4th place just below New York (90.9%), Boston (84.9%), and Oahu Island (84.3%). San Diego was the top performing region in the west, just ahead of Seattle at 83.7% but far ahead of other California destinations with San Francisco at 77.5%, Orange County at 76.4% and Los Angeles at 75.0%.
- Downtown hotels had the highest occupancy rate at 90.1%, followed by properties in the I-15 Corridor at 87.7% and UTC at 87.2%.
- Much of the rise in demand came from a surge in the Group market last week, with two mid-size events at the convention center contributing about 16,000 room nights, and several single property events bringing total Group demand to 79,937 RNs sold. Group occupancy averaged 41.8%, peaking on Tuesday at 54.8%, with an average rate of $296. Last week’s demand outpaced 2019 and 2022 for the first time in 5 weeks, by more than 8,000 RNs.
- The boost in overall demand also brought ADR back up by almost $30 w/w, averaging $226 last week. San Diego had the 5th highest ADR among top markets and just below San Francisco at $227. Last week’s rates were about $10 higher than this time in 2022.
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