- San Diego County hotels sold more room nights last week than any other week in regional history, resulting in San Diego ranking number 1 in the country in both occupancy and RevPAR. County hotels sold a total of 419,392 RNs – 26,000 more RNs sold than the same week in 2019 and about 15,000 more than 2022.
- County occupancy averaged 93.2% with many regions nearly sold out throughout the week. San Diego ranked 1st in the nation with occupancy averaging 4.5 points higher than the next destination, Denver at 88.7%, and far ahead of other southern California destinations with Orange County at 80.7% and Los Angeles at 75.6%.
- Downtown hotels had the highest occupancy throughout the week at 96.6%, followed by I-15 Corridor properties at 95.0% and Mission Valley at 94.9%.
- The convention center hosted Esri from July 8-15 with 26,600 blocked room nights and 156,000 attendees. Overall, Group demand totaled 56,854 room nights sold among upscale+ properties, with an average occupancy of 29.9% for the week, peaking at 41.6% on Tuesday, and ADR of $294. While last week’s demand was in line with the same week of previous years, ADR was elevated by about $20 over last year.
- County ADR rose by $30 w/w and jumped almost $20 higher than same week last year to settle at $276. This is only $10 less than the highest weekly ADR in San Diego history, which was $286 during Comic-Con week in 2022. Oahu Island was the only destination with a higher ADR last week, at $297.
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