- Last week began with weak demand on Easter Sunday with hotel occupancy rates in the mid-50s for most regions in San Diego County but finished stronger with occupancy averaging 83% throughout the county the following Saturday.
- County room night demand totaled 332,578 for the week, about 13,000 fewer room nights sold than the same week in 2019 and 18,000 fewer than in 2022. When looking at total demand at upscale+ properties for the same week through the years, there isn’t much difference between the years which suggests the damper in demand last week came from leisure at economy at mid-scale properties.
- County occupancy averaged 74.0%, dropping San Diego from 5th in the nation the week prior to 8th last week and 3rd in the western competitive set below Orange County (75.8%) and Los Angeles (74.0%). The top three markets in the country were New York (80.4%), Tampa (79.1%) and Oahu Island (77.2%).
- The City of San Diego had an average occupancy of 75.1% with Mission Valley properties leading at 78.2%, followed by Downtown at 75.8% and UTC at 75.5%.
- The convention center had one smaller event moving out at the beginning of the week as another small group moved in. In total, Group demand at upscale+ properties came to 40,387 RNs sold with an average rate of $260 – approximately 7,000 more RNs sold than the same week last year and rates $30 higher.
- Rates throughout the county dipped slightly w/w to $197, bringing ADR more in line with rates seen this time last year. Orange County lead the west with rates at $222, with Los Angeles a distant second at $201.
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