The San Diego Tourism Authority’s Tourism Development team is made up of three key tourism professionals with more than 50 years of combined experience in the tourism industry. All three call San Diego their home, though some spend a majority of their workweek in other parts of the world promoting our beautiful destination.
What do they do?
The SDTA Tourism Development team works to enhance San Diego’s profile as a top leisure destination both domestically and internationally. They do so by working with travel agents, tour operators, receptive operators, OTAs and other B2B leisure travel sellers to promote sales of San Diego vacations to their customers.
The team acts as an extension of the memberships’ sales and marketing efforts in international markets that are often outside the range of their own budgets. As part of these efforts they oversee the day-to-day activities of Representation offices in multiple international markets, partner with Visit California and Brand USA to ensure San Diego is represented in their efforts, and travel to top markets to attend tradeshows and sales missions.
The team works with their clients to get San Diego marketing assets in front of potential leisure visitors – including billboards, magazine advertisements, brochures or posters in travel agencies, photos and videos in partner sales emails, etc. They want to ensure that San Diego stays top-of-mind during customers’ consideration phase.
The Tourism Development team also works with the San Diego International Airport on international route development. As the airport discusses launching a new route with a potential airline, the Tourism Development team discusses the current and projected visitation from that region, highlights what motivates travelers from that region to come to San Diego, and showcases the destination to airline route development teams when they are in-market.
How can they help?
Every traveler wants a new and fun experience. If our team knows what makes your restaurant, hotel, service or attraction unique, they can highlight those aspects when they interact with their clients. The first step SDTA members can take is to ensure their MemberNet information is updated. Inform our team of any promotions that are going on, whether anyone at your location speaks another language or you have marketing material in other languages. The Tourism Development team pitches our destination in diverse ways depending on the audience; the more they know, the more ways they can promote you.
Contact the San Diego Tourism Authority Tourism Development team by clicking here.
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