San Diego County
- SD County occupancy was 51.7% with a base supply of 62,848 rooms in August, down by 37.4% from last year. San Diego ranked 3rd among top 25 markets (behind Norfolk/Virginia Beach at 63% and Philadelphia at 52%) and 1st in the western competitive set.
- SD County ADR was $133, a 25.8% decline from last year, and ranked 3rd among top markets (behind Oahu Island at $157 and Anaheim at $135), and 2nd in the western competitive set.
- RevPAR was $69 ranking San Diego 2nd in top markets (behind Norfolk/Virginia Beach at $70) and 1st in western comp set.
- Economy chain properties faired the best in occupancy, only declining by 1.6% YOY, while luxury chain properties saw occupancy decline by 74.9% compared to last August. Overall, within the upscale/upper upscale/luxury chains, transient occupancy was down 40.3% from last year while group occupancy declined 95%.
- Conversely, luxury chain properties were able to preserve ADR the best, only declining by 1.6% from last August, while upper midscale chains lost 28.5% in ADR YOY.
- Room demand reached over 1 million nights sold for the first time since the recovery began, roughly 120k more rooms sold in July, showing continuing strength in the recovery.
City of San Diego
- City of SD occupancy was 46.2%, a 45% decline from last August.
- The best performing regions were Mission Bay at 61.1%, followed by Mission Valley at 54.2% and La Jolla at 52.9%.
- City of SD ADR was $136, down 25.4% YOY.
- The best performing regions were La Jolla at $248 followed by Mission Bay at $231 and Downtown at $142.
- Mission Bay property preserved ADR the best, only losing 2.4% compared to last year.
- YOY change in supply was -2.5% while change in demand was -46.4%.
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